The Bluetooth LE controller controls the display of the lights: it receives and processes the messages sent from the mobile app and transmits them to the self-addressable LEDs to light up those associated with the requested positions.
The mobile app acts as a relay between the controller and the API that stores the information. The app transmits location information to the lighting system based on the position data. It is also used to reference objects in the index.
The API centralizes data about objects and their location on the shelf. It also allows you to organize the items and authenticate the connection with the Bluetooth controller via the mobile app. It is the one that contains the intelligence for classifying information.
Based on an Arduino Uno, Atmega chip, coupled with a Bluetooth controller model SH-HC-08 for the wireless serial link, the prototype made it possible to manage the lighting of 186 LEDs. With a memory of 2 KB, it can theoretically drive 600 LEDs.
Bibus Prototype sur GithubProduced jointly with the Quimper flablab, this transportable prototype can control the lighting of 64 LEDs. The fablab's know-how in handling laser cutting (thanks Jean-Claude) made it possible to integrate the controller and the LED wiring into the plexiglass structure.
To facilitate the indexing stage of the works, a type of optical character recognition (OCR) has been implemented. Using images of the library shelves, the analysis makes it possible to extract a title, an author, or even a publisher, which makes it possible to automatically index the books. This feature uses a third-party service (Vertex AI).
Opening the Bibliobus API code that allows you to index, order, and query books related to a given lighting system. This API is queried directly by applications that wish to communicate via Bluetooth with the controller that controls the lighting.
Bibliobus-api sur GithubUse of the Bibliobus API by other library referencing services must be possible in order to authorize location requests on the lighting system from external applications.