Biblio App

Biblio(bus)* is a location solution for things

Biblio(bus) allows you to index, share, and locate things easily and which, moreover, is pretty.

It is a lighting system for searching and locating, via a light signal, things arranged on a support.

Based on a remotely searchable index and connected with a mobile application, it makes it possible to interrogate and illuminate a shelf in order to easily find or store things effectively.

* wordplay for French word "bibliothèque" ("library" in English) and "data bus" in computers

Addressing objects, what for ?

In a globalized and digitized distribution economy, recycling and reuse of objects has become crucial for responsible consumption practices.

Since location information is dematerialized, the sharing and dissemination of things are more fluid and accessible to all to promote the exchange of objects in everyday consumption practices.

Biblio(bus) is a fun and aesthetic tool for highlighting things that are essential to us in order to make them important for others as well.


The "BiblioApp" mobile application is used to control the location system. Here are a few videos on how the app works and how it interacts with a library equipped with the "Bibus" system (visible in the inset in the videos).

Bientôt l'application "Bibliobus serveur" sera un projet ouvert !

Plus il y aura d'instances Bibliobus qui seront lancées, plus les possibilités de partage seront performantes.

Bibliobus se place dans un modèle d'architecture décentralisée et répartie afin de laisser le choix à ses utilisateurs de partager ou non leurs données plutôt que d'imposer des politques de confidentialité qui sont, dans le cadre d'une architecture centralisée, coûteuses en énergie, sources de détournement, et compliquées à mettre en oeuvre pour faire respecter les choix de l'utilisateur.
L'application serveur sera accessible en téléchargement libre depuis le dépôt Docker Hub. En revanche, l'application mobile et le module bibus resteront encore dans le secret de fabrication...